Monday, March 15, 2010

Homemade Deodorant!!

So I have been wanting to make homemade deodorant for a long time. So a couple weeks ago I got all the ingredients and tada...

After searching & searching for a great recipe, I stumbled onto this one from "Little House in the Suburbs" - it works absolutely fabulous! After applying a small yet generous amount on lightly - I am good till the next morning after a shower! I cannot believe how it lasts so long - I am so pleased and will be using this forever! It doesn't leave a residue and drys clear! I made my Mom and Sister each one and have relatives asking me too, I just tell em' to save a deo container and I'll do it for them!

I added 10 drops each of Tea Tree Essential Oil, China & Lavandula Grosso Essential Oil, France that I purchased from "From Nature with Love". The other ingredients: baking soda , cornstarch & Louana Coconut Oil are available at any supermarket!

Try it! It works wonderfully! :)


Nicole at Breaking Even said...

This has Too Cute Tuesday all over it. Merci!

Kellie said...

You will LOVE this Nicole! Have Fun! ;)

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